
Olivia Staggs

College Women's Coordinator

Meet Olivia

I grew up in Little Rock, Arkansas with two awesome parents and a younger brother. I gave my life to Christ in third grade, went to church most weeks, and attended a private Christian school beginning in middle school until I graduated high school. Despite all of this, I look back and see that my life was marked by a false sense of who God was which resulted in living in deep pride, selfishness, apathy, and a desire to be seen and affirmed by people. I had all the head knowledge, but I didn’t personally love God or walk in an abiding relationship with Him.

I attended Baylor University (sic’ em!!) for college and it was during my freshman year that God used the book of Hosea to tenderly draw me into Him and reveal my sin in a way I had never known. God became tangible to me, and I got to fall in love with Him! In the years to come, God continued to sanctify me through summers working at Kanakuk Kamps, women in my life faithfully discipling me, and a sweet community of people who loved God and challenged me.

All of this eventually led me to Watermark where I got to spend a year in the Watermark Institute falling more in love with God while studying His Word, and to my job on the College Team. It is so sweet to look back and see how God redeemed my life so beautifully during college, and now I get the opportunity to watch Him continue to do that in the lives of 18 to 22-year-olds in Dallas!

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