Membership Covenant

Having trusted in Christ alone as my Lord and Savior and agreeing with the beliefs and governance of Watermark Community Church, I unite myself with the Watermark family and commit myself to the Lord and to the other members of this local church. I align myself with Watermark’s vision statement:  Abiding in Jesus, we are making disciples together.

I. Abiding in Jesus

By committing to abide in Jesus, I express my desire to be a gospel-saturated, praying, Spirit-led, and Bible-revering member.

Gospel-saturated: I desire to be marked by the transformational truth of the gospel in every aspect of my heart and life (2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4).

  • By preaching the gospel to myself each day and seeking to apply it to every area of my life
  • By regularly evaluating how my daily activities and personal ministry reflect the gospel to others

Praying: I desire to be marked by a passion for and enjoyment of prayer as a means to connect with God (Acts 1:14).

  • By seeking to grow in my enjoyment of prayer as an essential means of connection to God
  • By praying regularly with and for my community group, for God’s work in and through Watermark, and for the needs presented by other members

Spirit-led: I desire to be marked by sensitivity to the leadership and guidance of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:14; Acts 1:8).

  • By asking the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me into truth as I read and apply God’s Word
  • By seeking to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s conviction and guidance in my life

Bible-revering: I desire to be marked by consistent growth in understanding and faithful application of God’s Word (Matthew 4:4; 2 Timothy 3:16-17).

  • By affirming the inspiration, infallibility, authority, and sufficiency of God’s Word, and submitting my life to it
  • By consistently reading, meditating on, memorizing, and applying the Bible

II. Making Disciples

By committing to make disciples, I express my desire to be a missional, maturing, and sending member.

Missional: I desire to be marked by a consistent advancement of the gospel in both word and deed throughout my community (2 Corinthians 5:20; Matthew 28:19-20).

  • By praying for the salvation of non-believers and sharing my story of grace
  • By seeking to deploy my gifts, including my time, talents, and financial resources, to bring renewal to our city

Maturing: I desire to be marked by consistent growth toward Christlikeness, and a commitment to raising up the next generation of disciples of Jesus (Colossians 1:28).

  • By identifying opportunities for spiritual growth, and consistently taking my next step in Christ toward maturity
  • By intentionally discipling others to faithfully follow Christ

Sending: I desire to be marked by consistent efforts to advance the gospel to the nations (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:8).

  • By consistently praying for the spread of the gospel among unreached people groups
  • By prayerfully considering opportunities to give and go to the nations with the gospel

III. Enjoying Life Together

By committing to enjoying life together, I express my desire to be a shepherded, community-committed, and unifying member.

Shepherded: I desire to be marked by a joyful submission to my elders as they are joyfully submitted to Christ (Hebrews 13:17).

  • By submitting myself to the oversight, care, and correction of church leadership
  • By investing fully in my community group and by seeking to deploy my gifts—including my time, talents, and financial resources—to serve the body

Community: I desire to be marked by a commitment to know and be known by others deeply (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12; Romans 12:4-5).

  • By allowing my community group to know me deeply and to help me as I seek to abide in Jesus, make disciples, and enjoy life with others
  • By dealing biblically with conflict and refusing to gossip

Unifying: I desire to be marked by a love for and encouragement of God’s broader Church (Ephesians 4:1-6).

  • By regularly praying for, celebrating, and encouraging other churches locally and globally
  • By partnering, whenever possible, with members of other gospel-centric and Bible-believing churches and ministries for the advancement of the gospel

Sign the Watermark Covenant